Foreign statistics website Esports Charts statistics last week the audience peak value of the highest five e-sports events, 2023 Global Finals Swiss round stage of the tournament bagged the top five, the specific rankings are as follows

    1. T1 vs GEN, audience peak 1.84 million 1726
    1. T1 vs TL, audience peak 1.66 million 8603
    1. G2 vs DK, audience peak 1.66 million 1794
    1. G2 vs GEN, audience peak 1.6 million 1329
  • 5.KT vs BLG, audience peak 1.52 million 1988


WBG and KT match appeared Bug: Light Xavier E can’t block Nichole big move

According to Twitter blogger Vandiril found, WBG and KT match appeared a bug. Light Xavier tried to use E skill to block Bdd Nichole’s big move, but both big move damage or stun effect can not be blocked.

In addition, according to testing, skills including Banshee’s Veil and Nightmare’s [W Skill] Dark Asylum cannot block Nichole’s move. Neither the move damage nor the skill stun effect can be blocked.


Deft: Policewoman Lax must play well in the early game, we are not playing particularly well

2023 League of Legends Global Finals is underway, foreign media released Deft player video interview, the original video translation is as follows:

Q: You’ve played Verus, Bomberman, and Policewoman, what do you think is the AD version of the Global Finals?

Deft: There are two analysis scenarios at the team level, the first one is the directionality of the first two games, it feels like it’s perfectly wrong, so it’s prepared with other directionality. But we trained fully on both scenarios, so there was no angst in changing the directionality.

Q: Today you used Policewoman-Lax, do you think this combination is strong? Or is it because today’s opponent is BDS?

Deft: Our lineup was Policewoman-Lax plus very brittle heroes in the midfield, today’s lineup was really risky, but we still used dominance to win the game. The Mistress-Lax has to play well in the early game, but we didn’t play particularly well in the early game today, and if we want to go with the Mistress-Lax again, we need to play better.

Q: Last year’s Raw** beat EDG, this year you need to overcome almost the same challenge, how do you feel?

Deft: Both situations are pretty much the same, what was pretty much the same last year and this year is that although we are both 0-2, we are confident in the strength of our team, and given the opportunity, I think we can challenge for the title again.

Q: Last year, you played a lot of your former teammates. Which team would you like to play this year? In the next round.

Deft: It feels like my ex-teammates should be well on their way to the top eight, it’s hard to meet them. It should be fun to play all the teams that don’t have ex-teammates on them once.

Q: You won last year’s Global Finals, does that give you more confidence to win this year?

Deft: I think this year is a much more likely scenario than last year, and I thought the same thing before going to the Global Finals, and now I also think it’s possible that depending on how we do it, the outcome will be different.

Q: Your career has inspired a lot of League of Legends pros, what does that mean to you?

Deft: Actually, the point where I’m better than those players doesn’t seem to be there other than playing longer. Nonetheless, I’m thankful for the good things I’ve received from those players that I really like and work very hard for.

Q: How did you react when you first saw GODS?

Deft: I didn’t really have a strong reaction, I just quietly watched the scenes and thought about what kind of feelings I was playing with on that team at that time. As each scene passed, I was reminded of the emotions I felt at the time.
